Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Early Years

It was a cold fall weekend in November, the 2008, Sunday after when I met the love of my life, but at that time, I didn’t know he would one day be my husband. I can remember like it yesterday, I was wearing a red black pea coat and my hair was blond and full of curls.  That night, I saw what I thought was a quiet guy. He didn’t even talk to me.  Actually, he did quite the opposite, he ignored me.  That night, I drove back to school at ECU from fall break and didn’t think anything else of it.  Little did I know, he was on Facebook adding over a dozen girls with the very same name, Amanda Lea, from ECU. Boy, I must have left quite an impression.  Shortly after, he found the one and only Amanda Lea.  The one that would one day be his wife. Weeks came and passed and we connected through social media.  We talked every night after 11 o’clock when he got off from work at Rock Tenn.
Early on we were friends and Gray signed up for the Navy.  We went on our first date at Cracker Barrel in Clemmons, NC just before he left in February of that year.  I remember that night he was telling me a story and said “when you meet my mom”. Holy moly! That scared the crap out of me.  Weeks became years and the start of a new friendship.  He and I both dated other people but we always kept in touch.  Neither of current relationships at that time lasted.  I remember one night we were talking through text and I had a big goofy grin on my face and my mom asked me who I was talking to.  Of course, it was Gray.  One thing led to another and somehow the topic came up about Gray reminding me of my dad.  I always told my mom that I wanted to marry someone like my dad.  Following C school, Gray was stationed at camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, NC. Ironically, that was just an hour away from the college I was attending for undergrad, ECU. On my 21 birthday, Gray came to hang out with me and we all grilled out.  Little did I know that weekend would be full of first.  I was the first time Seth had ever drunk and the first time we kissed.  All I can say is wow.  Later on, I found out Gray had several words to describe that weekend but wow wasn’t one of them.  Apparently, I had got makeup on his favorite shirt. How rude! Right?
After that night in May. I didn’t hear from him un July 4th.  I thought he was the biggest tool I had ever met.  Could you believe that he had the audacity to kiss me and never talk to me again?  This was evidence to my thought that all men were jerks.  My roommate, Dailie and his best friends became close…. VERY close. Like way too close.  You get the picture.  Dailie and Zach kept in contact and on July 4th we went to her family’s beach house.  During that time, she told me about Zach and Gray getting into an accident.  It was the funniest story.  Imagine this, two grown men on one rope swing at the lake.  You got that right, they missed the lake and down the embankment they went.  For some reason, Gray decided to talk to me that night, almost 6-8 weeks since “the kiss”. I hated him. Like, seriously hated him.  He proceeded to tell me how he wasn’t a good guy and not the dating type and I proceeded to tell him how I never wanted to speak to him again.
Apparently, the words “I hate you” were music to Gray’s ears. From that weekend on he was bound and determined to make me his. I didn’t even want to be friends. I remember him telling me that he would prove to me that he was sorry and that weekend he took me on date number two at Olive Garden in Greenville, NC.  Yes, I am a sucker for a man with brood shoulders and a buff chest.  We had so much fun. I remember sitting outside on the bench and talking.  It was so natural. This was a feeling I had never experienced before and it scared me, a lot.  Not long after, we all went camping at Carolina Beach, just a little FYI don’t do that in July.  We heard noises that weekend and let’s just say they weren’t animals or not that kind of animals you’re thinking about.
Our relationship soon got serious and I went to visit Grays family for the first time, um wow.  I had never been to a Chicken Stew before, but there’s a first time for everything. Like a first time eating chickens stew and a first time meeting every single person that Gray had ever know in his whole life in one night.  We made it through that night, barely. I found out that I was the first girl that Gray had ever brought home to meet his family.  That night, I realized this was the start of something serious.  My whole life, all I ever dreamed of being was a wife and a mother.  From an early age I had prayed for Gray McNeal Allgood, I just didn’t know that was my future husbands name.  Occasional visits turned into daily drives between Greenville and Jacksonville and hour long talks on the phone the nights we were apart.  Now, I can hardly imagine what we had to talk about. I imagine it was something to the extent of “I love you more, no I love you more, no, no, no…” Kind of nauseating now that I think about it.  We were “that” couple.  With each passing day I loved him more and more. I knew that I wanted to marry this man one day. 
Little did I know that day would come a lot sooner than after me graduating.  Soon, Gray received orders for California. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t imagine my life without him.  We were in love. Like that young, hot, passionate love that makes people want to throw up.  To my surprise, he asked me to go with him. I thought to myself this boy had lost his mind. My dad would stroke out at the thought of my going on vacation with a boy little lone moving across the united states to live with my boyfriend.  I respectfully declined while laughing and saying “yeah I’m not moving anywhere with you until were married”, but I boy did it make my heart flutter.  I had never felt this way about anyone in my life before and I had definitely never had anyone feel this way about me.
We enjoyed the rest of our time together before Gray was scheduled to ESA to California.  One day, while I was working at First Citizens in Greenville, Gray showed up at my work.  What a pleasant surprise! He said that Dailie had locked him out of my apartment. Boy did he hate that girl.  As I turned around to get my apartment key for him and I turned around and saw the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. Where in the world did this come from? I was speechless. Like red in the face flattered speechless. I asked him “What is this?” and he responded its yours.  Do you like it? In a panic, I said put that thing away, what are you doing? I’m laughing about the situation now. Boy, do I wish I could have been a fly on the wall that day.  I told him to take that thing home and we would talk later and of course I said yes.  I mean have you seen my husband? He is gorgeous, in a rough and tough kind of way.  Never in a million years did I ever think I would land someone like Gray. He was perfect and WAY out of my league.
Time was running out and we decided to go to the courthouse and get married so that we could have some extra money for the big move.  In the military, sailors receive additional housing allowances if they have dependents, that was me.  I’ll never forget the day we got married, but before we got married I made Gray ask my dad for my hand in marriage. Boy, was I hopeless romantic. I’ve never seen Gray sweat so much in my life and of course my dad didn’t say yes, but hey he didn’t say no. Secretly, I still am a hopeless romantic and I can’t think of anything more attractive than a man asking your dad for your hand in marriage. That takes balls.  The day of our wedding, the magistrate had a white and blue seersucker suit and we so young, dumb, and in love. I wore a blue floral tube top dress, secretly, I still have it.  Even though it wasn’t anything fancy, I couldn’t imagine getting rid of it.  It was my wedding dress. We didn’t even know that we had to bring our own witnesses to get married so we had the clerk of court and off duty jailor be our witnesses. So romantic, I know! I remember that I made Gray promise not to tell anyone we had got married before our actual wedding day. Anyone I that knows Gray knows that he can’t keep a secret, apparently everyone except me. Of course he told everyone and I was forced to tell my dad.
We submitted our marriage license and began getting ready for the big move to California. Boy was I scare. I had not a clue anything about being a military wife.  I had never been anywhere like that before.  The thought of moving gave me culture shock. A few weeks later we had some good news. We wouldn’t be moving. Who knew the military was low on money and couldn’t afford to move couples? Score! We got to stay in NC.  That November we had the wedding I always wanted with all of our close friends and family.  It was absolutely perfect and stressful, but beautiful. That weekend we took our first trip to Charleston. Oh my gosh. It was just like a fairytale.  I fell in love all over again. We were able to live like a queen and king that weekend.  That was hands down the best weekend of my life.  We received breakfast in bed every day and the valet made our reservations for dinner each night.  Before bed, we went downstairs for milk and cookies, my favorite.  I wish I could relive that weekend every day for the rest of my life.  It was magical.  I smile just thinking about it.  I remember Gray wearing a robe and pretending to be Hugh Heffner.  Those were the days.
Soon, we returned to reality and began moving into our first home, a beautiful apartment.  Did I mention Gray literally signed the lease on our apartment the week we got married? Yes, that happened. We literally owned nothing so went shopping…at my dad’s house.  The weekend of Thanksgiving, we moved and the next week I went back to school to finish my exams.  I remember sitting in my exam and getting a text from Gray.  This text changed my life.  He said you want believe what I’m about to tell you. I already knew what the was about to say, I replied with an answer to his question. You’re going to Afghanistan. He asked me “how did you know?” I don’t know how, but I just knew.  My heart sank into my chest. 

To be continued...